Welcome to Detecting-Innovations.
A place where we can show off our new Ideas for additional detector pimps that compliment an already brilliant product.
As a long time Minelab owner myself I got together with a good friend, Canadian Scott Ellis and we set about with some ideas to try and improve the Minelab Equinox for the better, starting with a three piece Carbon Telescopic stem designed to slide in to 24" for easy transporting. This has been quickly followed by a two piece version still shorter where transporting is concerned than most other two piece stems available on the market.
We have now followed this up with our very latest idea the S Shaped stem. All three versions are available in several different colours and all come with a complimentory Control box keypad sticker to match stem colour. These keypad stickers for the Equinox are also printed in several different languages.
We have now added an adapter kit enabling the Minelab Vanquish models to be quickly fitted to any Tele-Knox shaft.
Aluminium Armcup and folding control box to fit the Minelab Equinox 6//800 models are both on this website to purchase now and are proving very popular. Tony HuntRead More...
Tele-Knox folding control box adapter to fit Minelabs Equinox 600/800 detectorsRead More...
A new Aluminium Armcup from Tele-Knox with extra features that will fit to any Detector shaft that is the same diameter as Minelabs Equinox original or our own Tele-Knox Carbon fibre shaft Tony HuntRead More...